Wednesday, May 27, 2015

He will Keep You

The LORD hears your prayers.
He understands what you're going through.
Keep trusting in Him.
He will keep in perfect peace
all those who trust in him,
all those who turn often to the LORD.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Trust God

There is not a day that goes by
that I do not think of you.
The inheritance you have left behind
is still growing and blossoming.
The words you spoke,
The life you lived
have been my greatest gift.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Faithful to all His Promises

The steadfast love 
of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come
 to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is his faithfulness.
His love is true.
His plans are perfect.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Never Fails

Love never fails
It shines in the dark
It does no wrong.
It walks the second mile.
Love is patient
Love is kind
It will never cross the line
between what's right and wrong.
It hopes for the best
It bears no grudges.
Love smiles
in the darkest hour
with warmth and understanding.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Look at the Lilies

Look at the lilies!
They do not toil or spin,
and yet Solomon in all his glory
was not robed as they.

So don't be afraid little flock,
for it gives your Father
 great happiness
to give you the Kingdom.

He will always give you
all you need
from day to day
if you will make
the Kingdom of God
your primary concern.