Thursday, December 29, 2022

He Does Great Things


So thankful for times with cousins, sisters, grannies and grandchildren!

God loves families and wants to bless us for a thousand generations!

'For He who has done great things for me..' Mary expressed herself in song to give the LORD her gratitude. 

Worship is expressing our love and gratitude to the author of life and the giver of all that is good.

We can also express our worship to God by..

~ Spending time in his Word in prayer and trust

~ Giving gifts of love, service, tithes and special donations

~ Hoping in faith for the future to hold God's blessings with great expectation of what He will do

~ Sharing his love..

~ Praising Him on our own and with others!!

He has done great things and will continue to do so..

Enjoy his every blessing in the year to come!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Firm in Faith

You who are younger,

 be subject to the elders.

 Clothe yourselves, 

all of you, with humility 

toward one another, 

for “God opposes 

the proud but gives grace

 to the humble.”

 Humble yourselves,

 therefore, under the mighty hand of God 

so that at the proper time 

he may exalt you, 

 casting all your anxieties

 on him, because

 he cares for you.

 Be sober-minded;

 be watchful. 

Your adversary the devil

 prowls around like

 a roaring lion, 

seeking someone to devour. Resist him,

 firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds

 of suffering are being experienced by

 your brotherhood 

throughout the world.

 And after you have

 suffered a little while, 

the God of all grace, 

who has called you 

to his eternal glory

 in Christ, 

will himself restore,

 confirm, strengthen,

 and establish you. 

 To him be the dominion

 forever and ever. 


Saturday, July 9, 2022

Love & Obey

Love the LORD

your God

Obey his voice

Cling to Him

for He is 

your life

and the length

of your days

 that you may

dwell in the land

which the LORD

swore to your fathers, 

to Abraham,

to Isaac,

to Jacob,

to give to them.

Deuteronomy 30:20

Friday, July 1, 2022

Knowing Freedom


And you shall know
the truth,
and the truth
shall set you free.

'I am the truth'
Jesus has said.

I am the God
who works in you
both to will
and to do
for my good pleasure.

I am the way,
the truth
& the life!

John 8:32; Philip 2:13;
John 14:6

Monday, February 21, 2022

Perfect Love

There is this attribute about God that He can quiet his people with His love and sing over them just like a mother or father who does so with his child. God in person has this amazing capacity to comfort and restore our hearts from all pain or hurt. Thank you LORD!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

God's Mighty Hand

Under God's mighty hand

We humbly come,

that He may lift us up! 

The God of all grace,

who called us

to his eternal glory

 in Christ 

will himself restore us

 and make us strong,

 firm and steadfast.

To Him be power

for ever and ever.


Saturday, January 29, 2022

For this Child I Prayed


Our youngest granddaughter fell head down on her side as she was getting off the elastic jumping board. She is at the Clinic 7 days taking antibiotics as the bang on her skull cracked one of her ear bones. We are thankful she is safe and will soon return home to her family. She has been as sweet as always and in good spirits. We are so grateful for friends & family who stood by us in prayer. God bless you all! 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Trust in God

Blessed is the man who 
makes the LORD his trust.
Psalm 40:4

Trust the LORD 
with every fiber of your being!

Be constant in this trust. Cultivate some time to sit at his feet & drink from his fountain of strength, wisdom & love!

Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him & 
He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37: 5

Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62: 8