Friday, September 22, 2023

Come to the Light

To blossom we need to be exposed to the light, we need watering & proper nutrition as well as pruning. Do not let your soil become hard or harsh. Call in the gardener of our souls. Let him speak in wispers like he did to Elisha at the entrance of his cave. Come to the light, let his holy water wash you over. Ohh LORD how we need you!!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

God is Pure Light

God is Pure Light

Shine, Jesus Shine

We trust in You!

God took the first step by

 reaching down to us.

Those who trust in Him

 can receive a new heart 

and can draw near to God.

1 Timothy 2: 5-7

For there is one God 

and one Mediator between

 God and men, the man

 Christ Jesus.