Friday, May 29, 2020

Like a Rose

The righteous will flourish 
like a palm tree, they will grow
 like a cedar of Lebanon. 
They will still bear fruit
 in their old age, they will stay 
fresh and green. 
Psalm 92: 12, 14

You are a very much needed 
citizen in God's Kingdom. 
Like a rose 🌹
 in a mighty warrior's hand,
 your worship and praise 
reaches the heavens, 
like incense in the King's chambers.

 He delights in his bride, the Church. 
He has redeemed us by his blood 
and filled us with his Spirit.

 Live the sanctified life. 
Enjoy his love, his presence
 and companionship!!

Be blessed in Jesus today!!

Amen 🌹

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